Parks Lincoln of Gainesville

How Can I Get Better Gas Mileage? | Gainesville FL

Improve your gas mileage

How to Get Better Gas Mileage in Gainesville, FL

When you buy a Lincoln, you know you’re getting a high-quality, luxury driving experience. Our team here at Parks Lincoln of Gainesville wants to help you get the most out of your Lincoln every day, and one way to do this is by maximizing fuel efficiency. When you implement the following habits during your daily commute, you can reduce your vehicle’s fuel consumption and get the best gas mileage possible out of your Lincoln model.

Schedule your travel time efficiently.

Sitting in heavy traffic wastes time and money as it negatively impacts your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. While it’s not always possible to avoid rush hour, you can avoid running other errands at busy times to avoid traffic congestion. Need to run multiple errands? Plan your trip in advance so you can shop in areas close together, while making as few trips as possible.

Reduce weight.

Storing things in your car can hurt its fuel efficiency. To lessen your vehicle’s fuel consumption, remove any excess items from your back seat and trunk. Take off roof racks and cargo boxes when not using them. Even removing 100 pounds of unnecessary weight can make a difference.

Avoid speeding.

It’s important to drive at the speed limit, not only for safety, but for better fuel efficiency too. If you drive faster than 50 miles per hour, your gas mileage can take a hit by 7% to 14%. To avoid this, use cruise control when safe to do so, and try to avoid accelerating or braking abruptly.

Pump gas when the temperature is coolest.

Try to pump gas in the morning and evening, when the temperature is coolest, to get the most out of your fuel. Gasoline is denser the colder it becomes, so you’ll get more out of your trip to the pump when the weather is chilly.

Don't let your vehicle idle for too long.

Idling can cause your car to consume fuel unnecessarily. Avoid idling whenever possible by turning off your car and then restarting it when you’re ready to drive again.

Keep up with maintenance.

One of the best ways to maximize fuel efficiency is to keep your Lincoln model in excellent condition. Our expert technicians can help you do this. Schedule an appointment today for a tune-up, and we’ll ensure your tires are inflated, your spark plugs are working properly and your vehicle is aligned. We’re here to help with all your automotive needs.

If you need further advice about your vehicle, feel free to contact us or stop by our dealership at 3333 North Main Street, Gainesville, FL 32609 . We look forward to serving our customers near Gainesville, Alachua, Starke, Ocala and Lake City.

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